Tag Archives: eco-justice

Capital or Christ? Standing with Climate Refugees is a Moral Test.

It’s important to listen to the tone of conversations around climate change and fossil fuel divestment because, increasingly, these discussions are taking place in wholly disparate worlds. On one side, calm and measured voices like MRTI discuss climate change as … Continue reading

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A Plea for Fossil Fuel Divestment

“We have lived our lives by the assumption that what was good for us would be good for the world…. We have been wrong. We must change our lives so that it will be possible to live by the contrary … Continue reading

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Breaking Down Walls: A Collaborative Response to Climate Change

Originally published on October 27, 2016 at http://www.fossilfreepcusablog.org/blog/breaking-down-walls-a-collaborative-response-to-climate-change Environmental advocates on all sides of the PC(USA)’s divestment debate at June’s General Assembly meeting were dismayed, if not depressed, by the outcome. We entered the week with one widely supported overture … Continue reading

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Don’t Let the Stones Cry Out In Your Place

There is no debate about climate change. We’re not talking about the fact that the scientific consensus is overwhelming (though that’s true). We’re talking about the fact that climate change wasn’t the subject of a single question during the presidential … Continue reading

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