Tag Archives: ecumenical

Keeping Our Lamps Burning

Faith in a Time of Climate Peril Within a song or hymn, one can often find insights into how to cope with setbacks and hardships. The old African-American spiritual “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning” presents a dim reality: a … Continue reading

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Christian Stakes in an Election When Civility and Civil Religion Seem Dead

Aren’t Christian stakes simply justice stakes? Not entirely. Christian ethics, and mainly Reformed Protestant and Enlightenment versions of those, shaped the U.S. Constitution. They defined what goods government was to serve, what constituted legitimate authority, and how power was to … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

I Can’t Breathe: Showing Up for Racial Justice in Portland

When I heard the reports and then saw the video of Eric Garner’s arrest, something deep inside me clicked. I’ve been involved in interreligious social justice movements for more than 25 years and thought that nothing could surprise me. However, … Continue reading

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“That They May Be One”

Thinking Ecumenically for the 21st Century Week 1 Ecumenical Poetry, Prose, and Practice: An Opening Editorial, Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso Reconciled Diversity: An Ecumenical Vision for the 21st Century, Rev. Dr. Clifton Kirkpatrick Ecumenical Chaos and the Christian Ecosystem, Rev. … Continue reading

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