Tag Archives: Election2016

Author Rev. Meg Peery-McLaughlin

As Close as our Very Breath

A Sermon for Those Who Feel Afraid Text: John 20:19-25 Ask a scholar about the word “breathe” and she will tell you that this is the only place in the entire New Testament where this word shows up. Surely they … Continue reading

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Unbound: The Election Issue

Elections, Democracy, and the Church in the Public Square Table of Contents Storytelling and Political Leadership, Dr. Eric Mount Hey Christians, Don’t Follow the Noise this Election Time, Dr. David P. Gushee “Be Sober and Watchful”: Activism and Public Discourse, Alexis … Continue reading

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A Statement of Conscience from Presbyterians in Mission Presbytery

Taking the High Ground in Texas Texas is not generally a swing state, though if congressional and state representation districts were drawn differently, more states would have fewer permanent incumbents. Until the Electoral College is eliminated, the votes of some … Continue reading

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Destini Hodges

Spirit of the Living God: A Faith Journey Into Public Service

Being involved in the church and in the community brings a great deal of responsibility. As a 26-year-old active Presbyterian and elected City Councilwoman in Harrisburg, PA, I learn more about that responsibility each day. One might think being actively … Continue reading

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