Tag Archives: Election2016

The Limits of Binary Politics

Since you are reading Unbound, I suspect you are appalled, as I am, by the prospect of a Trump presidency, and that you are going to vote for Hillary Clinton on November 8. According to the binary logic of American … Continue reading

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Revolution Toward “Fulfilling Joy”: Paul Lehmann, Luke Cage, and the 2016 Election

If I remember correctly, the classroom in Tennent Hall had a half moon window. I can still see the faces gathered around the table that day in 1992, still feel the familiar, smooth feel of a laminated church tabletop beneath … Continue reading

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Author Dr. Merold Westphal

Shame as a Political Virtue

Back in 2005, I wrote an essay entitled “Shame as a Political Virtue.” [1] It began as follows: I was standing in the checkout line at Blockbuster Video and couldn’t help but notice two young boys running wild near by. … Continue reading

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Don’t Let the Stones Cry Out In Your Place

There is no debate about climate change. We’re not talking about the fact that the scientific consensus is overwhelming (though that’s true). We’re talking about the fact that climate change wasn’t the subject of a single question during the presidential … Continue reading

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