Tag Archives: Election2016

Christian Stakes in an Election When Civility and Civil Religion Seem Dead

Aren’t Christian stakes simply justice stakes? Not entirely. Christian ethics, and mainly Reformed Protestant and Enlightenment versions of those, shaped the U.S. Constitution. They defined what goods government was to serve, what constituted legitimate authority, and how power was to … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments
Author Rev. Dr. Shannon Jung

Who Are the Trump Voters? Are they Not Loved by God?

Part of the fallout from this electoral season, regardless of who wins or loses, is the acrimony that has been generated by the primaries and the general campaigns. Yes, there has been mud-slinging in the past; yes, there has been … Continue reading

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Author Emily Oshinskie

Reframing the Face of Activism: Protest as Prayer & Embracing the “Other”

Lessons form a Personal Paradigm Shift I have a confession to make. I used to cringe at the word “activist.” I looked at them, and all I saw were loudmouths who wanted attention. And you know what bothered me more … Continue reading

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Principalities and Powers

Originally Published August 10, 2016 at http://publicliturgies.blogspot.com/2016/08/principalities-and-powers.html. Regardless of possible calamities with the fall elections, the two part series in the NY Times this week makes clear who’s in charge. It’s the Brookings Institute, or the American Enterprise Institute, or … Continue reading

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