Tag Archives: environment

General Assembly: Family Reunion and Care for the Earth

A lot of Presbyterians affectionately refer to GA as a family reunion, even as we may groan about long hours, worry about contentious issues, pray for God’s Spirit to work in the stuck places, and occasionally feel overcome by bone-deep … Continue reading

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Fossil Fuel Divestment: Strengthening Our Response to an Urgent Crisis

A Perspective from Fossil Free PC(USA) In the shadow of the Paris Accords, rising global temperatures, and changing climates, we are thankful for the many voices discussing climate change in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We recognize that our denomination has … Continue reading

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A Response to “Divesting from the Sins of Our Past”

A Perspective from Faithful Alternatives for Engagement with Climate Change The upcoming General Assembly will consider various overtures calling for PC(USA) action on climate change. Ben Perry has discussed the issues in his article “Divesting from the Sins of our … Continue reading

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New Hopes and Realities in Cuban-American Relations: A Nuevo Momento

A Summary of GA222 Action Item 12-07 “In fulfillment of the assignment of the 221st General Assembly (2014), in cooperation with the Cuban Partners Network, and after consultation with representatives of the Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Cuba, the Advisory Committee … Continue reading

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