Tag Archives: environment

Getting a Hearing on Climate Change

Read Eric Mount’s Interview with Wendell Berry here. In the September 2014 issue of The Atlantic, Charles Mann seeks a way beyond the impasse between crisis environmentalists and economists on the issue of climate change. His question is apparent in … Continue reading

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Climate and Church: How Global Climate Change Will Impact Core Church Ministries

The following resource is an excerpt from the complete Climate and Church resource, a product of the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program – now Creation Justice Ministries. Though many understand the devastating impacts that climate change will have on … Continue reading

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Carbon Pollution, EPA Regulation, and YOU!

Article originally published on the Office of Public Witness Blog. On June 2nd, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed a rule under the federal Clean Air Act to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide from existing power plants, a step towards … Continue reading

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Celebrating 5 Years of Earth Care Congregations

This summer, 2014, marks the 5th year of certification for 14 of PC(USA)’s certified Earth Care Congregations. For five years, these churches have been growing ever deeper in their ministry and witness and for five years, the PC(USA) Earth Care … Continue reading

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