Tag Archives: environment

Why a Carbon Tax?

In Genesis 2:15 we hear God’s charge to the first human. “The LORD God took the human and settled him in the Garden of Eden to farm it and to take care of it.” (CEV) Sad to say, but instead of … Continue reading

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Planting on Holy Ground

My Year as a YAV ‘Down Bayou’ Just over a year ago, I sat in a room full of eager Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs), taking in a very intense week of orientation to prepare us for a year of service. … Continue reading

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UN Climate Negotiations and the People’s Climate March!

See also Presbyterians March for Climate Justice from the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness! God has called us to be good stewards of the Earth and care for all of God’s creation, but carbon pollution from our favorite form of … Continue reading

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Local Apocalypse

Into the Storm, Twister, and the Problem of Nature as Adversary It is typical of popular entertainment to seek out seemingly unconquerable foes for its heroes to endure. From big-budget disaster movies to cheap ‘reality’ shows on television, one of … Continue reading

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