Tag Archives: evangelism

russ pierson

Reimagining the Gospel for Evangelicals in an Environmental Age

  By Russ Pierson   View and Print as PDF.   A generation ago, J.B. Phillips famously wrote a book that warned, “Your God is Too Small.” In an environmental age, it has become clear that, if Phillips’ indictment is … Continue reading

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nina voli

The Gospel for the World: A Case for Creation Care

  Unbound was introduced to college student Nina Voli through the United Methodist Church’s Caretakers of Creation, after she spent her past semester at the Creation Care Study Program in Belize, Central America.   By Nina Voli   View and … Continue reading

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Rev. Randy Bush

Sermon: O Church, What Does the Lord Require of You

“The Great Commission as we’ve interpreted it for so long is now officially over.” TEXT: Micah 6:6-8 The following sermon was preached by Rev. Randy Bush on July 1, 2012 (General Assembly Sunday) at East Liberty Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, … Continue reading

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photo of person walking along railroad tracks

Evangelism and Justice

From False Dichotomies to Gospel Faithfulness Considering what it might take to merge the priorities of evangelism and social justice into one missional conviction that embodies them both.   By Darrell Guder   View and print as PDF   Toward … Continue reading

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