Tag Archives: food justice

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Urge USDA to help end modern slavery by joining the Fair Food Program

ACTION ALERT: Sign the letter of conscience to USDA Secretary Vilsack, calling on the federal agency to purchase its tomatoes through the Fair Food Program and to support the highest standards for addressing modern slavery. By the Rev. Noelle Damico of … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Fast for Fair Food | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment
tale of two holidays

A Tale of Two Holidays

A Tale of Two Holidays from Coalition of Immokalee Workers on Vimeo. SIGN THE CHANGE.ORG PETITION: Ask Publix CEO Ed Crenshaw to ensure that his company “be part of a proven model to address the root cause of farmworker poverty … Continue reading

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Growing tomatoes

Growing Holiness: Sanctity in Our Gardens and Shabbat Meals

  By Rabbi Janet Madden   View and Print as PDF.   As descendants of Adam (whose name is related to Adamah, the Hebrew word for earth) and Eve (in Hebrew, Chava, which is related to the Hebrew word for … Continue reading

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Yes on Prop 37: One Million More for the Right to Know

One Million More for the Right to Know What We Eat

Ballot Initiative: Label Genetically Engineered Foods or GMOs A Letter from Andrew Kang Bartlett, Associate for National Hunger Concerns, Presbyterian Hunger Program   Dear Friends, With $32 million plus in funds being poured into ads on our TVs, newspapers, and … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Fast for Fair Food | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment