Tag Archives: GA221

Who Really Cares About Drones? This Presbyterian Does!

Editor’s Note: A few months ago, Presbyterian blogger Jan Edmiston wrote a post on her blog, achurchforstarvingartists.wordpress.com, entitled “Denominational Political Stands (& Who Really Cares?).” Edmiston raised an honest and important question, one that is perhaps especially on our mind … Continue reading

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Why in the World Are Presbyterians Taking A Stand on Drones When Nobody Cares and We Won’t All Agree?

A Response to Jan Edmiston Editor’s Note: A few months ago, Presbyterian blogger Jan Edmiston wrote a post on her blog, achurchforstarvingartists.wordpress.com, entitled “Denominational Political Stands (& Who Really Cares?).” Edmiston raised an honest and important question, one that is … Continue reading

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When You Have a Dog in the Fight

Reflections on an Ethical Dilemma Looking Back as We Prepare to Move Forward As we approach the 221st General Assembly of the PC(USA), we prepare for a longstanding controversy to come back to the floor — divestment from Caterpillar because … Continue reading

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