Tag Archives: GA221
Toward a Theology of the Child
“Children should be seen and not heard.” I imagine most readers have heard the adage. I can remember hearing that phrase more than once as a child. As I came to understand it, children were some sort of interesting conversation … Continue reading
Gender Equality is Just Freedom
A Concluding Editorial The practice of the General Editor and Managing Editor each doing an editorial for most issues goes back to when Patrick Heery was the Managing Editor. It was a way to highlight the generational differences on some … Continue reading
Feminism as Evangelism
How Gender Justice Brought Me Back to the Church “I have always found it difficult to walk away from the church, but I have also found it difficult to walk with it.” [1] Those evocative words, the first sentence of feminist … Continue reading
Apocalypse How?
Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility Week 1 Homepage Between the Bang and the Whimper: Prophetic Hope in an Apocalyptic World, Rev. Ginna Bairby Climate of Conflict: A Trip to Examine the Root Causes of Social-Environmental Conflicts in Peru “The … Continue reading