Tag Archives: healing

Witness and Recovery on Long Island: An Interview with Mike Smith

Chris:We were asked by the General Assembly of the church to look at the Doctrine of Discovery to understand its implications historically and the contemporary damage that it continues to do. I don’t think there is any more historic perspective … Continue reading

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For the Healing of the Nation

As the rollout and implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has begun, issues of health care and health insurance have been topics of much conversation and scrutiny. Who should be covered, what services should be provided, and who should … Continue reading

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Healing Miracles: A Pastor’s Perspective

Editor’s Note: We’ve spent the last few weeks reflecting on what our Christian faith has to say to our current systems of healthcare and health insurance. With today’s article, we take a step back and reflect on the healing and … Continue reading

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Week 3: Christian Perspectives on the Healthcare Process

Removing the Scarlet ‘C’: A Cancer Patient’s View of Healthcare and the ACA, Charles Freeman “I’m sorry to have to tell you that you have cancer of the rectum.” I firmly believe now that such news should be delayed at least … Continue reading

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