Tag Archives: honest patriotism

We Need More Economically Honest Policymakers.

A Labor Day Sermon for 2018. On Labor Day, those who celebrate may rightly commemorate a long struggle of worker vs employer. The struggle continues as a fight for truth—against the myths that would turn economic theory into an ideology. … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Editor Henry Koenig Stone | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Bully yes; Pulpit no—Honest Patriotism in the Era of Trump

Christians need to be careful with the phrase “bully pulpit,” a phrase often applied to the presidency. One is tempted to say, “bully, yes; pulpit, no.” It is hard to see any “pulpit” of stable moral authority undergirding the current … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound | Tagged | Leave a comment

Resisting Harassment in the Church

Past and Future Measures to Challenge Coercive Sexism. An earlier piece by Managing Editor Henry Koenig Stone addressed the call of Christians to engage individually with the MeToo movement and fight to reduce sexual harassment and abuse in the United … Continue reading

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A Seat at What Table?

Connecting back to last issue’s theme, Defending the Common Good, Sue Smith challenges the current position of the church in discussions surrounding issues of climate change, fossil fuels, and financial investment. As with all scenarios of potential divestment, the perceived … Continue reading

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