Tag Archives: honest patriotism

Vietnam and the Spirituality of Protest

From Chicago 1968 to Today The brilliant PBS series The Vietnam War, produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, has been well reviewed and captured the attention of the viewing public—at least the segment of the viewing public that watches … Continue reading

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Increasing Tax Fairness

Resisting the Creed of Greed (Part II) Click Here for Part I’s indictment of those pushing through the current tax plan. The short answer to the current Administration’s tax cut proposal is: “No.” The plan is just a way to … Continue reading

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Are Economic Traitors Betraying our Country?

Resisting the Creed of Greed (Part I) This piece largely treats the House and Senate versions of GOP tax redistribution as one “vision”. Click HERE for a breakdown of the House and Senate version differences as of mid-November.[1] At publication, … Continue reading

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When Immigrants Give Thanks

Seeking Honesty at Thanksgiving For many Americans, the word “Thanksgiving” brings warm feelings of family, of food, and of altogether unqualified enjoyment. It is a time when it seems we can put the worries of the world on the shelf, … Continue reading

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