Tag Archives: hunger

land grab

Land Grab: The Scramble for Africa

A Presbyterian Hunger Program Article By Agazit Abate, Intern Scholar with the Oakland Institute   The commodification of agriculture, food, and land, spurred in part by the 2008 food and financial crisis, has led to the purchase of enormous portions of … Continue reading

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photo of hands holding tomatoes

Become a Food Justice Fellow!

Food Justice Fellows ~ Class of 2012 Applications Due by April 1, 2012 By Andrew Kang-Bartlett, Presbyterian Hunger Program   The purpose of the Food Justice Fellows program is to connect Presbyterians and others to the agrarian roots of the … Continue reading

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Photo of Haitians who are building houses

Ecovillages: A Labor Not in Vain

Help Build Eco-Villages in Haiti… Not for, but with By Ruth Farrell, Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program   They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. No longer will they build houses and … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Current Issue | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments
2011–2012 Horizons Bible Study. Illustrations by Ann Kim

Confessing the Beatitudes

Horizons Bible Study Lesson: Matthew 5:6; Luke 6:21a, 25a; Psalm 107:1–9 By Margaret Aymer   “Greatly Honored Are Those Who Are Famished and Parched for Justice!” is one of nine lessons, excerpted from the Confessing the Beatitudes Bible study, by … Continue reading

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