Tag Archives: hunger

photo of hands holding tomatoes

The Campaign for Fair Food

The Campaign for Fair Food calls upon major food buyers to end poverty and modern slavery in the Florida fields by working in partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a human rights award-winning farmworker organization in Immokalee, FL. … Continue reading

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photo of a hand holding a coffee bean

Fair Trade: Going Beyond Charity

A Global Marketplace Fair trade goes beyond charity by helping people help themselves By Daniel P. Smith, Presbyterians Today   As Colleen Shannon ventured around the globe on various faith-based trips—to Africa and Central America, in particular—a grim, unrelenting reality … Continue reading

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sign that reads "will work for food"

New Brunswick: The Plight of the Poor

  September 1, 2011 by Dawan O. Buie Princeton Theological Seminary M.Div. Class of 2013   Back to Table of Contents

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Photo of boy in field with wind turbines

Flourishing Through Contrition: Hunger and Transformation

  July 2011 by Shannon Jung, Saint Paul School of Theology View arti­cle in PDF (opti­mal for printing)

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