Tag Archives: intentional community

“I Wanna Be Rich”

The Kingdom of God and the Myth of the American Dream I am the son of first-generation, working-class Korean immigrants. My family lived a difficult but fairly typical immigrant life: My parents went through many failed attempts at starting small … Continue reading

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Faith Generation Samuel

Called to Live in Intentional Communities? Samuel was sleeping in the shrine away from home, being taught by the old priest Eli, when God called him. Samuel is the one who heard God’s voice calling him in the night. Not … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Millennials, Communal Living, and the Fourfold Path

I continue to be impressed by how deeply the 2008 recession has impacted the faith of today’s 20-somethings, and I continue to be frustrated by how poorly institutional churches as a whole have responded to this exciting and game-changing generational … Continue reading

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The Imitation of Christ in the Poor

Encountering the Tzeltal Christ I grew up as a son, grandson, and great grandson of missionaries. My grand parents and great grandparents were Presbyterians serving in India, and my parents served all over the world with Mercy Ships and YWAM … Continue reading

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