Tag Archives: Iraq

Turkey: Six Important Dynamics for US Christians

Dr. Iosso was aided in this article by consultation with an academic from Turkey and expresses his thanks to that person and to all involved in Turkish civil society. Turkey is a country of 83 million people, bordering 8 other … Continue reading

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Hope Incarnated: The Church in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon

“The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.” – Matthew 13:33 “In spite of the overwhelming situation and the decline of hope, … Continue reading

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cover image from study paper on Iraq

10 Years after the Invasion of Iraq

Next week, Unbound begins  a series of “Short Takes on Peace,” video clips from interviews with students, college chaplains, professors, authors and others. After a video clip whets your appetite, you’ll have an opportunity to share your thoughts on an important … Continue reading

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