Tag Archives: Israel-Palestine

Putting the Pieces Together in a Mosaic of Peace

Mosaic of Peace, Day 10 Last night, multiple members of our group woke to the sound of fighter jets. The IDF was coordinating a strike on Iranian-affiliated military bases in Syria, responding to a (as of initial reports, casualty-free) strike … Continue reading

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Go to Galilee, there you will find me.

Mosaic of Peace, Day 9 Today we took a break from the presentations and classroom time to walk where Jesus walked, around the Sea of Galilee. But even so, we were never far from the issues to which we have … Continue reading

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From Ramallah to the River: Intractable Conflict; Impossible Grace

Mosaic of Peace, Day 8 We started out this day mired in discussions of the “intractable conflict” in Israel-Palestine, and ended the day with grace, on the River Jordan. Our meeting in Ramallah with Sam Bahour, a Palestinian businessman (and … Continue reading

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Microcosm of Conflict; Moment of Peacebuilding

Day 7, Part 1: A Microcosm of the Conflict As we boarded the bus from the Manger Square Hotel, the ingredients appeared to be coming together for rain.  A slight wind blew over the hills as clouds gathered overhead. After … Continue reading

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