Tag Archives: Israel

Jennifer Ackerman

Turning the Church Inside-Out, Encountering the ‘Other’

Fuller Theological Seminary Interview with Jennifer Ackerman, 2nd Year Master of Divinity Student Interviewed by Patrick David Heery   View and print as PDF.   On April 24, 2012, I interviewed Jennifer Ackerman, a second-year Master of Divinity student at … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Seminary Students Unbound | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment
stony point peace convocation 2011

Peace Church Beta: What if we left Just War theory behind?

As the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) begins a process of discernment on whether to embrace nonviolence officially, the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship convenes peacemakers from across the church. by Matthew Black   We Presbyterians know all about miracles— they happen in committees. … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments
The Divestment Debate Is On!

The Divestment Debate Is On!

Check Out the Moral Arguments, Pro & Con Unbound Action News Should the church continue investing in companies “profiting from non-peaceful activities in Israel-Palestine”? Following Friday, February 17th’s decision by the PC(USA) General Assembly Mission Council to recommend divestment of … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound | Tagged , , | Leave a comment
jewish voice for peace

Jewish Voice for Peace Stands With Presbyterian Divestment

An Open Letter to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) from the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council The Israel Palestine Mission Network of the PC(U.S.A.) is pleased to share this letter from the JVP Rabbinical Council with you.   We write to … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments