Tag Archives: Jubilee

Jubilee at Walmart

Wal-Mart’s Black Friday: Who Saves? Who Pays? Who Prays?

  Inter­faith Worker Jus­tice is call­ing on clergy and peo­ple of faith to make a stand: to pub­licly demon­strate their desire for Wal-Mart to do what is best for the com­pany, its work­ers, and the sur­round­ing com­mu­nity via prayer vig­ils … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Fast for Fair Food, Featured Congregations and Organizations | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment
strike debt

What’s Next in Faith Based Community Organizing: A Rolling Jubilee

Occupy Faith and partners are launching a Rolling Jubilee, a people’s bailout to help eliminate debt—and make a stand in the face of our moral crisis of money, debt, and power. Rolling Jubilee may signal an important, and long needed, … Continue reading

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