Tag Archives: just war

Does “right make might” in Syria?

Does “right make might” in Syria?

Applying just peace criteria to President Obama’s call to arms The President has decided to seek Congressional approval for authorization to use force in Syria. This means that the American public has a week to debate the rationale presented for … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Action News | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

War and Peace

(An Occasional Series.)  Why We Look Backward as We Move Forward. Unbound is an ecumenical e-journal offering analysis, practical resources, interactive conversation, and action items for issues of justice and Christian conscience. Begun in 2011, it may not seem to have … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Christian Education, Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Featured Congregations and Organizations, Resources | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


THE SHADOW OF DRONES AND THE CLAIMS OF JUSTICE: A Response to the President’s Counter-terrorism speech and amended policy. By Christian Iosso On Thursday, May 23, President Obama changed and made more explicit the policies guiding his administration’s strategy of … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Blogs, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Featured Congregations and Organizations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment
How do you feel about military force being used to keep peace and maintain security?

How do you feel about military force being used to keep peace and maintain security?

How do you feel about military force being used to keep peace and maintain security? What are the limits to military action and how can they be applied? Tell us what you think in a paragraph or two. Unbound will … Continue reading

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