Tag Archives: LGBTQ

Apologies Are Healthy, and This One Is Deserved

A Response to Dr. Barbara Wheeler Barbara Wheeler, former President of Auburn Theological Seminary has written an article in response to Overture 11-05 coming before the General Assembly this summer in Portland, an overture apologizing to LGBTQ/Q members of the … Continue reading

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Feminism as Evangelism

How Gender Justice Brought Me Back to the Church “I have always found it difficult to walk away from the church, but I have also found it difficult to walk with it.” [1] Those evocative words, the first sentence of feminist … Continue reading

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Re-Imagining the Church as Spiritual Institution

Affirming Diversity and Life-Sustaining Relationships The following article was originally published in the May/June 1994 edition of Church & Society. Download a PDF of the original here. Listen to the words of Elizabeth, an enslaved woman and minister, born in … Continue reading

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Presbyterians Embrace a Table for All

This article was originally featured in Believe Out Loud. This past week, I have sat at the Table. Not just any table, but the Table of Christ, around which I have gathered since I was a child. This week, however, … Continue reading

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