Tag Archives: live missionally

Theology Begins in the Barrio

A Critique of Paternalism in Missional Theology “I think the idea is crap.” This is what I told my professor as I introduced myself to a class on missional theology at Fuller Theological Seminary during the summer of 2010. I … Continue reading

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The Church: Missional or Missing?

In our current context, is the Church missional – or missing? It’s a loaded question, isn’t it? A little too black and white, perhaps, considering the question that almost inevitably follows: What is the Church’s mission? That question, too, is … Continue reading

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One Half-Step Out of a Hobbit Hole

“When you set out on this adventure, you will never be the same.” These are the grave but hopeful words spoken by Gandalf the Grey to a young hobbit named Bilbo; [1] and thus begins the epic tale of The Hobbit. In … Continue reading

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Just Hospitality and the Missional Church

My time doing street ministry with folks experiencing homelessness has not changed the world. It hasn’t changed the oppressive social structures that keep people from adequate healthcare or nutrition. It hasn’t even done much to change the situations of the people with whom … Continue reading

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