Tag Archives: marriage equality

Presbyterians Embrace a Table for All

This article was originally featured in Believe Out Loud. This past week, I have sat at the Table. Not just any table, but the Table of Christ, around which I have gathered since I was a child. This week, however, … Continue reading

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The General Assembly is Not God

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will soon make headlines, one way or another. The decisions we make at our 221st General Assembly will be reported across national media outlets through words loosely connected to what we actually experience together as a … Continue reading

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Love Who You Are, Marry Who You Love

Marriage in the PC(USA) That’s my daughter there, with the rainbow face paint and the “Love who you are” sign. We were downtown in Richmond, VA, standing with same-sex couples who have asked Virginia to recognize their marriages. Ours is … Continue reading

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The Freedom to Marry is at the Heart of Christianity

As a Christian theologian, I support marriage equality because I take the Bible seriously. More importantly, I take the God of the Bible seriously. The God I worship has a divine passion for justice that compels me to respect all … Continue reading

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