Tag Archives: missional
Mission, Brokenness, and Celebration
The party had turned to crying. Children, women, and men – mostly Muslims and a few Christians – who were seen as disabled or otherwise, impaired had gathered in the ancient North African Medina to celebrate the town’s first therapy … Continue reading
A Letter to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
A letter from a Presbyterian Teaching Elder, baptized and raised in the PC(USA), to all my Friends in Christ: I write out of a concern that the word ‘missional’ does not help us learn from the errors so evident in … Continue reading
One Half-Step Out of a Hobbit Hole
“When you set out on this adventure, you will never be the same.” These are the grave but hopeful words spoken by Gandalf the Grey to a young hobbit named Bilbo; [1] and thus begins the epic tale of The Hobbit. In … Continue reading
Call for Articles – What is the Church’s Mission?
The “missional church” has become something of a Christian buzzword in recent decades. There is plenty of debate as to what this missional church actually is, but whatever it is, it’s what everyone wants to be. Perhaps appropriately, the theme … Continue reading