Tag Archives: music

Can Inclusion Go Too Far?

As an editor, I’m used to going in search of articles, but this time the article found me! While brainstorming for this Advent issue, I came across the following Facebook conversation among several friends. This article documents the beginning of … Continue reading

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Author Charles Freeman

Borrowed Holy Land: The New Hymnal and Creation Justice

Images of nature and creation in hymnody are hardly new. The psalms, among the earliest songs of God’s people, are replete with images and celebrations of God’s good creation, and as ancient a text as Francis of Assissi’s “All Creatures … Continue reading

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Author Rev. Robin Lostetter

Body and Wholeness in Glory to God

“What does the new hymnal communicate about justice and inclusion for people with disabilities?” There is really no answer to the question of what a volume of 853 hymns will communicate to someone in the pew about justice and inclusion … Continue reading

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I Wonder if We Mean it This Year

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine was telling me about the first time her partner accompanied her to the PC(USA) General Assembly. She told me that they were there to be a witness to the Church, to join … Continue reading

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