Tag Archives: music

Syria: “Lives in the Balance”

Syria: “Lives in the Balance”

Like many in the United States and around the world, reading the news about Syria has untapped within me a well of emotions.  But along with so many emotions and opinions, a single song has been running through my head … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Editor Ginna Bairby Unbound | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment
john pitney

Three “Keeping the Garden” Songs

“This song is for the parched masses: endan­gered crea­tures who have no voice and human beings with deserts in their throats.” Visit John Pitney’s website for more of his music and to purchase one of his three CDs.   Words … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Music, Music, Art, Poetry, and Photos | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment
flash mob

‘Without You’ Flash Mob of Presbyterians

Last Friday, various staff members of the Presbyterian Mission Agency decided to surprise everyone on Staff Development Day with a flash mob! Just about two weeks prior, Abbi Heimach (who works with the Young Adult Catalyst office and has been … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Music, Music, Art, Poetry, and Photos, Video, Videos & Podcasts | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment
carolyn gillette

O God, Creator of All Things

A New Earth Care Hymn from Carolyn Winfrey Gillette FOREST GREEN CMD (“All Beautiful the March of Days”)   O God, Creator of all things, the earth belongs to you! In love, you place it in our hands and give … Continue reading

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