Tag Archives: NFL

The Pregame Warm Ups for Super Bowl XLIX

Soft Footballs, Crying Quarterbacks, and Other Offensive Formations Super Bowl week is here! And that means that the NFL is stretched out in all of its media glory for America to adore and, more now than perhaps ever in the … Continue reading

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Why the “Entitled Athlete” is Not Where I Fix my Feminist Gaze

Marcia Mount Shoop Responds to Rachel Mastin’s Review of Touchdowns for Jesus Read Rachel Mastin’s Review of Mount Shoop’s book here. I am grateful for the time that Rachel Mastin took with my newest book, Touchdowns for Jesus and Other … Continue reading

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Left Wanting More

Touchdowns for Jesus and Domestic Violence in Big-Time Sports Read Marcia Mount Shoop’s response to this review here. If, as Calvin famously said, Scripture is the lens through which we see the world, then we’re each wearing a unique pair of … Continue reading

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