Tag Archives: Obamacare

Week 3: Christian Perspectives on the Healthcare Process

Removing the Scarlet ‘C’: A Cancer Patient’s View of Healthcare and the ACA, Charles Freeman “I’m sorry to have to tell you that you have cancer of the rectum.” I firmly believe now that such news should be delayed at least … Continue reading

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Seeking Justice Through the Power of Relationship: HIV/AIDS and Healthcare

Your Mission Field Is Around You When I was in college, I felt a clear call to work in East Africa. This call directed every decision I made, from choosing a major at Vanguard University to spending my summers in … Continue reading

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Contested Territories: Women and Healthcare Reform

I’ll admit it. I winced when I read the theme for this week’s posts, “Vulnerable Populations and Christian Responsibility.” Again, I thought, a discussion of women is framed as taking care of the vulnerable. In healthcare settings, not all women … Continue reading

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Unaccounted For: The Affordable Care Act and Undocumented Immigrants

“Uncle, help me!” Adán cried. “Where are you?” Miguel called back. Fourteen-year-old Adán had enclosed himself into a bedroom closet to escape the flames, smoke, and falling beams in his room, where faulty electrical wiring had started the midnight blaze. … Continue reading

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