Tag Archives: Occupy Movement

photo of OWS protest

The Girl who Occupied Cyberspace: Lisbeth Salander meets the OWS movement

A Reflection on three Stieg Larsson novels in light of the Occupy Wall Street protests November 22, 2011, by Chris Iosso, an editorial The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2006, English 2008), The Girl Who Played With Fire (2006, English … Continue reading

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photo of rich lang at occupy movement

Pastor Pepper-Sprayed in Seattle

Rev. Rich Lang, a United Methodist campus minister at the University of Washington, was pepper-sprayed by police while participating in the Occupy Movement in Seattle. Below are his words in response. Immediately below are videos of the pepper-spraying and the … Continue reading

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photo of protestors

Invite Them In

A RESPONSE TO THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT November 1, 2011, by Editor Chris Iosso, who invites Christians into dialogue about the role the church should play in the Occupy Movement.   A golden calf—that looks like the Wall Street bull statue—is … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound | Tagged , , | 4 Comments