Tag Archives: open submission

Call for Articles – Elections, Democracy, and Church in the Public Square

Election season is upon us once again. But this election promises to look unlike any other in U.S. history. As newspeople find their objectivity under great pressure, so all genuine non-profits may find it especially hard to be non-partisan. In … Continue reading

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Call for Articles – Race, White Privilege, and the Church

As our country celebrates 50-year milestones in the Civil Rights movement, black children are being gunned down in the street and armed protestors have occupied a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Politicians are fear-mongering against those who “look Muslim”, and families … Continue reading

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Call for Articles on Education!

Interested in being part of our next issue? Unbound is currently seeking articles about justice in education! Education has historically been an important part of the Reformed tradition. From Calvin’s schools in Geneva to Presbyterians advocating for equity and quality … Continue reading

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Call for Articles – Women’s Stories!

Interested in being part of our next issue? Unbound is currently seeking articles about gender justice and the ways that women’s stories have been silenced and continue to be silenced today. From Scripture to daily life, in the church and … Continue reading

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