Tag Archives: pacifism

Vietnam and the Spirituality of Protest

From Chicago 1968 to Today The brilliant PBS series The Vietnam War, produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, has been well reviewed and captured the attention of the viewing public—at least the segment of the viewing public that watches … Continue reading

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We Need Inclusive Peacemaking in 12-06

The 222nd General Assembly is considering 5 Risking Peace affirmations to guide the church as we live out Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Peacemaking is an essential aspect of “the ministry … Continue reading

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Let’s Focus on Nonviolence

Let’s focus on nonviolence! I am encouraged by the news out of the 221st General Assembly of the PC(USA). The assembly decided that we need to continue our church-wide discernment process about peacemaking, and it sounds like there was some … Continue reading

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Peacemaking and Pacifism: Seeking Common Ground and Recognizing Differences

A Response to “Risking Peace” and the Peace Fellowship’s Proposals The forthcoming General Assembly is facing a number of issues with important consequences for the present and future identity of the Church. While the two issues that have created the … Continue reading

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