Tag Archives: palestine


Was Justice Done?

Divestment & Boycott: A Question for Presbyterians, Methodists, Palestinians, and Christians the World Over Last week, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly voted overwhelmingly (457-180) to boycott products produced in the occupied Palestinian territories. However, that same Assembly voted … Continue reading

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caterpillar bulldozer

Funding the occupation is taking a side

A Message from Palestinian Christians By Joe Catron, in response to Unbound’s coverage of the divestment debate and in anticipation of the vote being taken later today by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly   Opponents of divestment from … Continue reading

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UPDATE: Presbyterian General Assembly Committee Recommends Divestment

On the Brink of a Historical Moment By Sara B. Dorrien, reporting on the Middle East Committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly (Please note that while the committee has recommended divestment, the Assembly has not voted yet.) … Continue reading

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elisha baskin

Israeli Woman Says Divestment Is Part of Her Jewish Identity

“No one should have their money in this. Especially not a church.” An interview by (Rev.) Patrick David Heery of Elisha Baskin (pictured above), an Israeli young woman and member of Jewish Voice for Peace, on the topic of divestment … Continue reading

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