Tag Archives: PC(USA) World Mission

Playing with “Fire and Fury”

Praying with the Korean People The political environment of the Korean Peninsula has long been characterized by a state of temporarily suspended war, ever since the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953. Since then North Korea has repeatedly threatened to end the … Continue reading

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Uprooted By Force

Displacement and Eviction in Colombia “Isn’t it dangerous?” That’s the question people in the U.S. usually ask when they learn I live in Colombia. My answer: Yes and no. No, I am not fearful for my personal safety. For outsiders, … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Current Issue, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments
Revolution with "love" spelled backwards

Hear the Perspectives of Syrian Christians in Today’s World Mission Webinar

Join a webinar hosted by PC(USA) World Mission on how Syrian Christians are understanding and experiencing the situation in their country. Recent news has presented us with much information about the situation in Syria. Rarely, though, do we get an … Continue reading

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