Tag Archives: peace

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Peacemaking: Not Just for Governments, For People Too

By Laura Phillips, Ruling Elder and Moderator for the Committee on Peacemaking and International Issues   View and Print as PDF.   As a rookie commissioner and committee moderator for the Peacemaking and International Issues committee (not the Middle East), … Continue reading

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hands planting a tree

Caution and Commitment

The Why and Will We Questions First By Chris Iosso, Unbound General Editor   View and Print as PDF.   Who cares about the General Assembly and who cares about the denomination as an institution? Those questions are posed, often … Continue reading

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Investment versus Boycott

Important Facts to Consider The following article is from Presbyterians for Middle East Peace. Unbound welcomes this voice on positive investment as a means for widening and deepening the conversation around the appropriate measures to bring about peace and justice … Continue reading

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Endorse the Stolen Beauty Ahava Boycott

Invitation from CODEPINK Women for Peace   Email Stolen Beauty and request that your name be added to the boycott endorsement list   Dear Friends and Allies, We are writing to ask you to endorse the Stolen Beauty AHAVA boycott … Continue reading

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