Tag Archives: peace

palestine wall

Divestment as Investment (in Justice)

Adapting Advice and Counsel Memoranda from the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy*   By the Editors of Unbound, Patrick Heery and Chris Iosso, as guest directors of the blog, Ecclesio   From behind a large concrete security wall, Palestinians … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments
woman in shadow

Naming Sexual Violence

  By Hannah Heinzekehr   This post was originally published on The Femonite blog on June 4, 2012, an Unbound partner   This week, on The Femonite blog, we are focusing on themes of sexual violence. I hope you will … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Seminary Students Unbound | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment
Jennifer Ackerman

Turning the Church Inside-Out, Encountering the ‘Other’

Fuller Theological Seminary Interview with Jennifer Ackerman, 2nd Year Master of Divinity Student Interviewed by Patrick David Heery   View and print as PDF.   On April 24, 2012, I interviewed Jennifer Ackerman, a second-year Master of Divinity student at … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Seminary Students Unbound | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment
stones, photo by Radoslaw Piekarz

Throwing Stones: A Sermon about Domestic Violence

The following sermon is an excerpt from Shook Foil Books Young Preachers Compilation, a collection of twenty thoughtful sermons from young (under forty-years-old) church leaders. Springing from a diverse array of ministry contexts, these sermons reveal the strength, creativity, and … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Book Reviews, Resources, Worship | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments