Tag Archives: PHEWA

A Letter to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

A letter from a Presbyterian Teaching Elder, baptized and raised in the PC(USA), to all my Friends in Christ: I write out of a concern that the word ‘missional’ does not help us learn from the errors so evident in … Continue reading

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Thirst: God and the Alcoholic Experience

Interview with Author James B. Nelson Special from Presbyterian Health, Education, and Welfare Association (PHEWA). (See also http://www.phewacommunity.org/) Read interviewer Rev. Chuck Booker’s own reflections on addiction in his article Spiritus Contra Spiritum! A renowned Christian ethicist who spent most of … Continue reading

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Men in the Mirror: A Male Perspective on Domestic Violence

Constructing and Applying Christ-Centered Masculinity to Interpersonal Relationships Download Kevin’s Curriculum “Men in the Mirror: Orienting Our Lives Toward a Christ-Centered Masculinity.” The Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network (PADVN) was formed in 2001 as a ministry network of the Presbyterian Health, Education, … Continue reading

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Reproductive Justice and PC(USA) Social Witness Policy

It is hard to remember back to the pre Roe v. Wade days. There were the road trips from Idaho to California with classmates seeking abortions. There were fledgling birth control devices and pills that made some aspects of decision-making … Continue reading

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