Tag Archives: Presbyterian Hunger Program

Strands of One Thread: Ecowomanism

Special from the Presbyterian Hunger Program, originally published in the Spring 2016 edition of the PHP Post. The struggle for gender, racial, and economic justice are all parts of the same thread, and deal with similar questions of power and … Continue reading

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A Perspective on Peace

Is There Shalom in the Land? This article was originally published in the Advent 2015 issue of the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s PHP Post, available at http://www.pcusa.org/resource/phppostadvent2015/. “They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, … Continue reading

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Protect Health in La Oroya – Sign the Petition!

Life is Sacred and Deserves to be Protected Your signature as an international friend and partner is important in that it will show the authorities in question that the world is watching and that our global partners in Peru are … Continue reading

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Teaching ELL for Mutual Learning

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b; NIV) The gospel reveals to us a Christ who is radical not only in who he approaches, but also – perhaps even more importantly … Continue reading

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