Tag Archives: Presbyterian Hunger Program

Apocalypse How?

Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility Week 1 Homepage Between the Bang and the Whimper: Prophetic Hope in an Apocalyptic World, Rev. Ginna Bairby Climate of Conflict: A Trip to Examine the Root Causes of Social-Environmental Conflicts in Peru “The … Continue reading

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2014 Food Week of Action & World Food Day

The Global Churches’ Week of Action on Food Our faith calls us to work for a world where everyone has sufficient, healthy and culturally appropriate food! And those who produce and prepare the food are fairly compensated, respected and celebrated! … Continue reading

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Questions in a Climate of Conflict

Interviews with Facilitators and Participants in the Upcoming Climate of Conflict Trip to Peru Learn more about the Climate of Conflict trip to Peru here. Rev. Jed Koball Rev. Jed Koball is a PC(USA) mission co-worker who serves as the … Continue reading

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hurricane sandy

Apocalypse How? Week 2

Apocalypse How? Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility Confessions of the Rich Wo(Man): On Struggling to Give Up My Carbon Addiction as an Act of Faith, Rev. Abby Mohaupt What is it they say about the young rich man who … Continue reading

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