Tag Archives: Presbyterian Hunger Program

Mutuality In Mission

Birth, Death, and Solidarity in the YAV Program Our Church’s approach to mission work has changed dramatically in recent decades – and continues to change! In the traditional understanding of mission, the missionary operates from a mission compound, from a … Continue reading

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Congregation-Based Community Organizing

Building Vibrant Congregations and Just Communities “And what does God require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8 “The arc of the moral universe is long but it … Continue reading

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Global Perspectives on Landgrabbing: Webinar March 24th

Join the Presbyterian Hunger Program for a Webinar on March 24! Click here to join! In the last decade, many developing countries have witnessed a huge increase in land deals that have resulted in the forceful eviction of small farmers … Continue reading

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Living as Children of Light: Global Economic Justice and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

As the plummeting temperatures and winter storms of the last few weeks have reminded us, we are in the season of winter, when the world is at its darkest. This is the time when Earth orbits the sun in its … Continue reading

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