Tag Archives: Presbyterians Today

Flashmobs of Reconciliation

My primary placement by the end of my year as a Young Adult Volunteer in Northern Ireland was with PeacePlayers International (PPI). PeacePlayers is an international organization that uses sports to bring children and youth together with a rich curriculum … Continue reading

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Roots, Privilege, and Solidarity

I have spent the majority of my life moving from place to place, settling in only to be uprooted soon thereafter. I guess you could say that my roots have never had a real chance to grow very deep – … Continue reading

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The YAV Program Ruined My Life – For Good!

This is a joke that commonly gets tossed around by Young Adult Volunteer Alumni, but for me, it’s the truth. I had my life and career completely planned out in college – I was going to become a photojournalist and … Continue reading

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Roots in the Present

Five years ago, I discovered the Young Adult Volunteer program and thought it would be a great way to transition from college to…whatever I would do after college. As a YAV, I served in Nashville, Tennessee, working with children and … Continue reading

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