Tag Archives: Presbyterians Today

‘There’s No Place Like Home’

I am a born-and-bred Midwestern boy. It is in my blood and is reflected in my decisions and actions. For better or worse, wherever I live or travel, I see things through Indiana-colored lenses. I have also always had strong … Continue reading

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A Refugee in Skinny Jeans

I dropped out of college after a one-semester attempt at art school. This was not just because my soul had something of an allergic reaction to the amount of debt that would come with pursuing that degree, but also because … Continue reading

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Playlist and Reading List – Expanding Your Roots!

To accompany Jocelyn Kirk’s article “In the In-Between”: Expanding Your Roots, the Young Adult Editorial Team for Unbound has compiled a suggested playlist and reading list for expanding YOUR roots! Check out the following list of songs (available as a Spotify playlist … Continue reading

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“In the In-Between”: Expanding Your Roots

Don’t miss the playlist and reading list to accompany this article! “God is in the in-between.” When I first heard this phrase, my mind immediately went to middle school dance chaperones telling kids to “save room for Jesus” when slow … Continue reading

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