Tag Archives: prophetic ministry

Social Witness in the 21st Century: Reading the ‘Signs of the Times’

We began this issue by asking the question: what does the future of social witness hold? As the Church changes shape in the 21st century, what form will its prophetic ministry take? Is there an Amos for our time, pointing … Continue reading

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10 Things the LGBTQ Community Can Teach the Church

Over the course of my life, I have observed and participated in the ongoing fight for inclusion of people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer in the church. In recent years, significant strides have been made in several … Continue reading

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Author Courtney Hoekstra

The Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns: A Prophetic Witness for Gender Justice

I joined the Presbyterian Church (USA) in my early twenties because I saw a denomination that was committed to God’s call to work for justice not in word only but in deed as well. In fact, the PC(USA) has established … Continue reading

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plumb line on a brick wall

Amos’ Plumbline; Whose Church?

A Series on the Future of Social Witness Opening Editorial by Chris Iosso Is justice an essential “mark of the church?” Is it a basic aspect of God’s reign, reflecting God’s nature? Is it a basic part of the Gospel, … Continue reading

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