Tag Archives: protest

Vietnam and the Spirituality of Protest

From Chicago 1968 to Today The brilliant PBS series The Vietnam War, produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, has been well reviewed and captured the attention of the viewing public—at least the segment of the viewing public that watches … Continue reading

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Author Emily Oshinskie

Reframing the Face of Activism: Protest as Prayer & Embracing the “Other”

Lessons form a Personal Paradigm Shift I have a confession to make. I used to cringe at the word “activist.” I looked at them, and all I saw were loudmouths who wanted attention. And you know what bothered me more … Continue reading

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Native American Groups Call Presbyterians to Prayer for Standing Rock Sioux

More than four thousand people have gathered at Camp of the Sacred Stones, three separate prayer camps north of Cannon Ball, North Dakota, near the northern border of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s reservation. The people, known as “Water Protectors,” … Continue reading

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Called to be Angry

White Supremacy and the Church Last week, I once again found myself protesting in the streets of Chicago. Showing up to a demonstration organized by activists of color, I joined them chanting: “White Supremacy is the enemy. Shut it down! … Continue reading

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