Tag Archives: public education

Education and Formation: Personal and Public, Civic and Spiritual

A Closing Editorial Is the rise of polarized politics due—at least partly—to the decline of mainline Protestantism? And why do mainline Protestants see education as such an ethical value? This is an editorial reflection on a very rich issue and … Continue reading

Posted in Archives, Carousel, Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Into the Words…Recalling Our History

The Domestic Expression of “Educate a Child: Transform the World” To learn more about and participate in the domestic component of this initiative, go to pcusa.org/child. The 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in a very welcome … Continue reading

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Struggles and Sacrifices

Broken Places in our Education Systems Public Schools and the Public Good: The Social Contract We Have ‘Left Behind’, Jan Resseger “In a democracy, we are responsible, through our elected representatives, for ensuring that our public institutions distribute opportunity to … Continue reading

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The Vocation of Education

A Family Story Lora and Bruce Whearty, elementary school teachers from Montana, accepted a call to serve as educational mission co-workers through the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1992. They resigned from their jobs, sold their home and most of their … Continue reading

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