Tag Archives: public education

Our Theology of Public Education

Reformed Christians have worked tirelessly to establish and strengthen universal public education in every nation and time where they have found themselves. This work has been inspired by theological beliefs that have been part of our tradition since the momentous … Continue reading

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Setting the Stage

Why Education? The title of this issue, ‘A Pedagogy for the Distressed’, echoes Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a seminal work both for critical pedagogy and liberation theology. Many are distressed about the state of education, both in the … Continue reading

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The Centrality of Education in the Reformed Tradition

Education has had a primary role in the Christian Church from the beginning. Jesus was often called Rabbi or teacher, and education was fundamental to his role and identity (Mk. 4:1-9; Mt. 5-7). He was the Teacher par excellence. The … Continue reading

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Interview with Laura Tornello

Unbound: What is your role in the education system? Laura: I teach 11th and 12th grade English. Unbound: At what type of school do you work? Laura: I work at a suburban public high school in northern Virginia. Unbound: Tell … Continue reading

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