Tag Archives: race

Race Challenges the Lake Woebegone Church: Will the Church Challenge a Woebegone Nation?

A Closing Editorial Race is a word that points to massive dividing lines in the US (and elsewhere). Lake Woebegone is a fictional creation of a gifted radio storyteller, Garrison Keillor. Among Keillor’s strengths are his knowledge of the mainline … Continue reading

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Call to Confession

Race, White Privilege, and the Church Read Articles from Week 1 Featuring articles by: Ginna Bairby, Gayraud S. Wilmore, Alexis Preesau Maloof, Marc Boswell, Laura Cheifetz, Chris Burton, and Melva Costen Read Articles from Week 2 Featuring articles by: Vernon … Continue reading

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“You Look Like a Thug!”

Dog-Whistling and Sin-Talk It happened most recently on a family trip to a museum. This trip was particularly special because the museum had recently accepted my wife’s fiber art piece into one of its shows. I sat outside the gallery … Continue reading

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It’s Not Too Late to Start the Conversation

Antiracism Conversations at the Congregational and Denominational Levels I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King. Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters, who brings out chariot … Continue reading

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