Tag Archives: RCA

Hearing the Needs of the Community

To tell the truth, we didn’t think it went all that well. Almost five years ago, four pastors from four different denominations came together to write a proposal for a grant from the Calvin Institute for Worship Renewal. The granting … Continue reading

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Divine Particularity

Along with the invitation to write this article about gender justice in the new PC(USA) hymnal, Glory to God, I received a list of relevant hymns. My first reaction was, “Wow, that is a whole lot of hymns with the … Continue reading

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Liturgically Enacting Racial Justice: The Belhar Confession

In 2010, the Reformed Church in America General Synod adopted the Belhar Confession as one of its doctrinal standards. This was a monumental decision for the denomination, as the most recent standard before Belhar was adopted hundreds of years ago. The … Continue reading

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The Intersection of Faith and Justice

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your might and love your neighbor as yourself.” This is Jesus’ answer to the lawyer who asks, “How shall I inherit eternal life?” Jesus responds with … Continue reading

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